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发布时间:2021-02-28来源: 编辑:翟天佑

梁华庚 研究员(双聘)



Tel/Fax: 86-27-87559826

E-mail: leonard19800318@hust.edu.cn


2021.1-至今     华中科技大学材料科学与工程学院,副研究员、研究员(双聘)

2023.3-至今    华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院,主任医师

2009.7-2023.2 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院,主治医师, 副主任医师

2004.9-2009.7 华中科技大学,泌尿外科,博士

1998.9-2003.7 华中科技大学,临床医学,学士


1.  国家重点研发计划,2018YFE0206900, 基于纳米孔芯片与手持式穿刺机器人的早期前列腺癌诊断技术研究,2020-2023, 在研,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,12174136,基于多类分子识别的复合增强拉曼早期前列腺癌检测方法研究,2022-2025,在研,主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金,重大科研仪器研制项目,81927807,用于早期前列腺癌组织形态与功能研究的光-声-磁多模态成像系统,2020-2024,在研,子课题负责人。

4. 国家重点研发计划,2017YFB1303100,基于CT-三维超声导引的泌尿系肿瘤经皮穿刺手术机器人研究,2017-2021,已完成,子课题负责人。


(1) Sun Z#, Zhang W, Ye Z, Yuan L, Fu M, Liu X, Liang H*, Han H*.NIR-II-triggered doxorubicin release for orthotopic bladder cancer chemo-photothermal therapy. Nanoscale. 2022. doi: 10.1039/d2nr04200b.

(2) Yin M#, Tong J#, Meng F, Liu C, Liu X, Fang F, He Z, Qin X, Liu C, Ni D, Gao Y*, Liang H*, Zhang X*, Luo L*.Near-Infrared-II activatable symbiotic 2D carbon-clay nanohybrids for dual imaging-guided combinational cancer therapy. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2022. doi: 10.1021/acsami.2c11340.

(3) Ma Z#, Yang M, Foda MF, Zhang K, Li S, Liang H*, Zhao Y*, Han H*. Polarization of tumor-sssociated macrophages promoted by vitamin C-loaded liposomes for cancer immunotherapy. ACS Nano.2022, 16(10):1738917401.

(4) Zhang T#, Liang H#, Wang Z, Qiu C, Peng YB, Zhu X, Li J, Ge X, Xu J, Huang X, Tong J, Ou-Yang J, Yang X, Li F*, Zhu B*.Piezoelectric ultrasound energy-harvesting device for deep brain stimulation and analgesia applications. Sci Adv.2022 15;8(15):eabk0159.

(5) Song H#, Wang J#, Xiong B, Hu J, Zeng P, Liu X, Liang H*. Biologically safe, versatile, and smart bismuthene functionalized with a drug delivery system based on red phosphorus quantum dots for cancer theranostics. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2022:e202117679.

(6) Jing Guo#, Ruichen Shen, Xuejie Shen, Bo Zeng, Nianjun Yang, Huageng Liang∗, Yanbing Yang∗, Quan Yuan∗.Construction of high stability indium gallium zinc oxide transistor biosensors for reliable detection of bladder cancer-associated microRNA. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2022,33:979–982.

(7) Long H#, Qin X#, Xu R, Mei C, Xiong Z, Deng X, Huang K*, Liang H*. Non-modified ultrasound-responsive gas vesicles from microcystis with targeted tumor accumulation.Int J Nanomedicine. 2021;16:84058416.

(8)Zhaoyu Ma#, Mohamed F. Foda, Huageng Liang*, Yanli Zhao*, and Heyou Han*. In situ nanozyme-amplified NIR-II phototheranostics for tumor-specific imaging and therapy. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021; 31(37): e2103765.

(9) Huiai Lu#, Chunlei Mei, Luhao Yang, Junyan Zheng, Junwei Tong, Fengsen Duan*, Huageng Liang*, Ling Hong*.PPM-18, an Analog of Vitamin K, Induces autophagy and apoptosis in bladder cancer cells through ROS and AMPK signaling pathways. Front Pharmacol. 2021;9:12: 684915.

(10) Cai K#, Zhang W, Foda MF, Li X, Zhang J, Zhong Y, Liang H*, Li H, Han H*, Zhai T*. Miniature hollow gold nanorods with enhanced effect for in vivo photoacoustic imaging in the NIR-II window. Small. 2020;16(37):e2002748.

(11) Duan F#, Mei C, Yang L, Zheng J, Lu H, Xia Y, Hsu S, Liang H*, Hong L*. Vitamin K2 promotes PI3K/AKT/HIF-1α-mediated glycolysis that leads to AMPK-dependent autophagic cell death in bladder cancer cells. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):7714.

(12) Wang X#, Tong J#, He Z, Yang X, Meng F*, Liang H*, Zhang X*, Luo L*. Paclitaxel-Potentiated Photodynamic Theranostics for synergistic tumor ablation and precise anticancer efficacy monitoring. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2020;12(5):54765487.

(13) Yingxue Lia#, Bo Zenga , Yujie Yang, Huageng Liang*, Yanbing Yang*,Yuan Quan*. Design of high stability thin-film transistor biosensor for the diagnosis of bladder cancer. Chinese Chemical Letters,2020, 31:13871391.

(14) Dong Hua#, Oleg N. Granichin, Xiaoping Zhang, Mingyue Ding, Huageng Liang∗, and Xuming Zhang∗. 3D motion planning for flexible needle insertion based on rapidly-exploring random trees with environment-adaptive sampling and central angle control. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics.2019,9, 1524–1533.

(15) Jinxia Ren#, Pavel Shcherbakov, Xiaoping Zhang, Mingyue Ding, Huageng Liang∗, and Xuming Zhang∗. An accurate detection method for biopsy needle in ultrasound images based on fuzzy enhancement and hough transform. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics. 2019,9, 1–5.